Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Aunt wants to blog??

Now, my aunt is thinking of blogging. I had kind of forgotten about this site as I do most of my blogging on spark still.

However, this has me thinking about possibly having a blog for VBS. I am not sure if it would be informational just for the volunteers of VBS or what, so need to think on that. This is only my 2nd blog here, so I could easily change a few things to make it VBS blog ready. It appears as if we can add images and such, so, this might be a good idea!


Friday, January 2, 2009

Brother Wants to Blog

Well, I just joined twitter today and mentioned to my brother to go check out my blogs on my Sparkpage and he said, "You blog, cool, give me pointers, that is my goal to blog in 09." So, of course, my sparkpeople blog is on that site and is not always necessarily about weight loss, but anyway I knew that skinny brother was looking for a different platfrom from which to speak.

I had recently subscribed to 4thfrog's blogspot, so came here and wanted to see if it was free, so of course went through the steps and now have a blogspot I might not even use, haha!!! Well, now I can direct little brother here...
